We'd love to hear from you!
For general inquiries, please contact us at 312-427-3325 and our general email is info@walkbikego.org
35 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 1782
Chicago, IL, 60601
(312) 427-3325
Walk Bike Go Staff
As a senior leader at Active Trans, Melody specializes in development and implementation of non-infrastructure projects and programs, including education, encouragement and policy initiatives. Her career in transportation is deeply rooted in the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) movement, with proven credentials as a national trainer, technical assistance provider and strategist. Melody has been at the forefront of the fast-growing collaboration between the active transportation and public health sectors, having served as project manager on several policy, systems and environmental change efforts.
Heather brings a depth of experience to Walk Bike Go in bicycle and pedestrian technical assistance. With a focus on transportation planning, policy development, and community engagement, she is passionate about creating sustainable communities grounded in best practices. Ms. Schady has worked with dozens of municipalities and school districts, to develop non-motorized plans and corridor studies, Complete Streets policies, and design guidance all aimed at facilitating the use of active modes of transportation. These include the Village of Oak Park, the City of Des Plaines, the Village of Bensenville, Wayne Township, and East Maine School District 63.
Walk Bike Go tax documents: