The City of Berwyn’s older gridded street pattern and nearly complete sidewalk network naturally leads to a pedestrian friendly environment.
Yet the City wanted to take the next steps toward filling in the gaps in its active transportation network, and develop a system of on-street bikeways to become an even more bicycle and pedestrian friendly city.
Berwyn’s plan identified resident’s top priorities and focused on improving what residents and the City needed most: safer crossings at intersections, on-street bicycle facilities, and increasing bicycle and pedestrian accessibility to transit.
The process focused on reaching out to its diverse population. We held an Open House for residents, and we worked with MacNeal Hospital, Morton Community College, School Districts 98 and 100, St. Mary’s Church, and Pav YMCA to reach out to people living in Berwyn.
Through these partnerships with local organizations, nearly 200 people provided input for this plan by filling out an online survey in both English and Spanish and sharing their thoughts with our bilingual planning team at local health fairs and job fairs.
Since adopting its plan, Berwyn has installed bike racks in its downtown, illuminated its crosswalks at intersections with high crash rates, erected signs along bike routes, and launched a bicycle and pedestrian committee.